The Confederation representative delivered a speech at the French Senate

To mark the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Kurdish Institute in Paris, a one-day conference was held in Senete, France, featuring discussions in both English and French. The conference saw the participation of political and government officials, members of parliament, university professors, researchers, and representatives from civil society organizations.

During the conference, Mr. Kurd delivered an English speech on behalf of the Kurdistani Diaspora Confederation, which received a warm reception from the conference attendees. In the Confederation of Kurdistani Diaspora’s speech, they extended congratulations for the 40th anniversary of the Kurdish Institute’s establishment in Paris and lauded the Kurdish Center’s efforts to promote the Kurdish cause and strengthen the ties between France and Kurdistan.

In another segment of the speech, Rahim Rashidi delved into the struggles and advancements of the Kurdistani Diaspora Confederation, urging individuals and civil organizations to join the confederation to further advance the legitimate Kurdish cause.

On the sidelines of the conference, the Confederation representative held several meetings with members of parliament, journalists, and diplomats, engaging in discussions about the situation in Kurdistan and the broader region.

“Speech delivered by Mr. Kurd or (Rahim Rashidi) in the French Senate to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Kurdish Institute in Paris.”

Good afternoon and thank you for your invitation

Ladies and Gentlemen
On behalf of the Kurdistani Diaspora Confederation, I am honored to be present here today to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Kurdish Institute of Paris.

I would like to start by congratulating the president of the institute Dr. Nezan and his team for all they have done for the sake of raising attention of Kurdistan and its issue to the western world.

Dear Gusts, the Kurdish Institute of Paris has been the hub of true resources for millions of educators of all walks of life who are
interested in learning about Kurds and Kurdistan.
It has been an outstanding place which has acted as an embassy to showcase Kurdish culture, music, arts and all the inhumanities done to the Kurds to the western world.
I have to proudly say that it has been an educational center where it has brought the relationship of the Republic of France and the Kurdistan Regional Government to its closest to educate the French government officials of the politics of the region.
I would like to take this opportunity to pay a respect to Dr. Abdul Rahman Ghassemlou the Secretary general of the PDKI democratic party of Iranian Kurdistan and who’s political leadership changed the history and was a found friend of the Institute and his excellency Dr. Nezan.
 Again, thank you Dr. Kandal for all you have done to introduce Kurdistan and its people to the world.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I would like to briefly introduce the recently established International nonprofit Organization of Kurdistani Diaspora Confederation. 

It was established on December 5th and 6th of 2021 in Hawler, the Capital city of Kurdistan Region with the presence of his excellency President Masud Barzani where he expressed the importance of the Kurds of diaspora and their participation in the future of Kurdistan. 

I am proud to announce that currently we have 40 centers all over the world including Europe, the United States of America, Canada, Russia Japan, Australia, New Zealand.

This process is ongoing. 

We are open to work with any Organizations who has respect for Kurdistan’s flag and its freedom symbols of democratic movement. we are willing to build relationships with all who believe in Kurdistan independence.

Our plan is to encourage youth, women’s federations and establish unions for different groups such as doctors, artists, engineers, and lawyers. So far, nearly 10 federations and more than 20 civil society organizations have become members of the Kurdistani Diaspora Confederation.

In the past two years, we have met with the European Parliament, the European Union Parliament, Canada, and the US Congress, with foreign ministries and diplomats.

During this time, we have opened several online Kurdish language courses in kirmanji and Sorani dialects, we continue this subject.

We have also participated in several international conferences to discuss Kurdistan in Africa, Europe and North America and we will continue this work and struggle to achieve our goals for Kurdistan…

We are willing to expand our work to all NGOs that are willing to work with us. KDC is a firm believer of unity because the stronger we are the better we can reach our goals to make it easy for the next generation to walk in the same steps.The General Committee has 25 members including men and women from all parts of Kurdistan and Kurds from former Union Soviet countries

I would like to thank you all again and it was a pleasure to be here. Thank you.


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