The history is an essential factor for the future

They say history is an essential factor in the organisation of the ranks of the people.
If this term is accurate for the Nations and entities of the world, then it should also apply to us – the Kurdish people.

Throughout ancient and new history there has been the scattering, dispersion and division of our people but this has given us a meaning, moments of peace, harmony and unity although I feel there is no unity to be observed.

If we consider a synopsis of our history, based five centuries ago at the beginning of the sixteenth century when the Chaldean war of 1514 saw conflict between the two Persian Empires of Shia and Ottoman Sunni sects, we can see how this illustrates how Kurds divided into two different sides – in two different geographical divisions – and were turned against each other! This division of the Kurds, both geographical and historical, significantly impacted upon the future of the Kurds and still affects the whole Kurdish Nation today.

If history is fundamental for the nations of the world, organisers, and unity of the ranks of the people, then this concept has not returned to us in a correct and historical manner. Ultimately, the history of these centuries consists of the same two detrimental conflicts, struggles, and self-sufficiency, combined with the same historical, geographical, worldview, and two-sided divisions among the Kurdish leadership and commanders.

Geographically Kurds are not far from their enemies, but they live with them. They have always produced differences in attacks, political dispersion, and the darkening of geographical separation lines making the field of balance and distance more extensive. Consequently, this is why dispersion and closure has resulted in harmful reflections in all areas of thought, politics, opinions, and a lack of unity in action, not only in terms of national security but also in the body of the nation throughout.

From now on, we must all put aside our interests and our parties, avoid narrow thinking, and focus on uniting the nation and strengthening nationalism. In this effort, we need to focus on our young people because our strength lies in harmony and unity.

Currently, a charismatic President, Masoud Barzani, is struggling to consistently unite all Kurds.

By Baxtyar Ways


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